Four Kisses You Must Master

Four Kisses You Must Master. There's smooching and there's lighting a fire on his lips. These moves will burn him up. We know what you're thinking. A kiss? Big whoop. You've had your mouth-to-mouth MO nailed since junior high.

But what you might not have realized is that by customizing your lip-locking to the occasion, you can actually take your necking up a notch. "Even the best kissers can add bewildering power," explains Shelley Hess, author of Pucker Power: Great Kissers Make Great Lovers. "The secret is knowing what kind of kiss the situation calls for and then switching your moves accordingly."

Cosmo presents four crucial kisses and the accompanying lip tricks that'll have him spellbound from the moment you meet to "See ya"…and every second in between.

The Hot Hello

The quick "Hi, honey" peck is no way to rebond with your babe, whether you've been missing him since your morning bagel or last Saturday night. Set the tone for your time together with a kiss that makes him think, Oh you are happy to see me. "Greet your guy with enthusiasm and he'll immediately feel loved and appreciated," explains Linda Olson, PhD, host of the syndicated radio show America's Love Doctor. "A high-energy hello smooch is the ultimate way to communicate that excitement and foreshadow the fun to come." Plus, when he kisses you back with the same degree of desire, you'll feel that love rush too.

The hot hello actually starts long before your lips meet. Let's set the scene: You see your guy. Maybe he's working his way across the bar, maybe he's standing on your doorstep. You lock eyes, flash him a smile, and slowly begin your approach, maintaining eye contact the whole way. When he's in close range, utter a husky "Hey there, gorgeous" and press your body up against his. This is key for creating intimacy: You don't want to strike the disastrous A-frame pose (think lips together, hips miles apart), according to William Cane, kissing coach and author of The Art of Kissing.

Okay, bodies meshed? Roger that. Now it's time to pucker up, baby. Wrap your hand around the nape of his neck and pull his face gently toward you. When your mouths finally meet, maintain a strong but closed-lip seal for up to 10 sultry seconds.

Tip: Keep your tongue reined in; this kiss should shoot straight from the lip. Hey, there'll be plenty of time for tongue twisting at the end of the night — keep him in anticipation of what's to come as you pull away.

The Movie-Star Make-Out

Ever have one of those omigod-we're-so-in-love-moments with your boyfriend? You know: You're gazing into each other's eyes. Time stands still. You swear you hear music building in the background. That's where we're going with this Hollywood-style hookup. "When a couple is feeling that paralyzing surge of passion, words just get in the way," says Liz H. Kelly, dating couch and author of Smart Man Hunting. "Instead of trying to explain that you wish you could devour him whole, give him everything you've got with an over-the-top doozy of a smooch." Warning: Since you can't contain chemistry of this magnitude, this make-out sesh can happen anytime, anywhere, but you'll be too busy luxuriating in the lip-lock to notice the spectators gathering.

Okay, this fan favorite needs drama. Act one: The Dip. First, says Cane, get your guy to wrap his arms around your waist. Then seductively work your right hand over his chest and up to the nape of his neck and hold on tight. Here's your cue to toss your head back, letting your left hand fall to your side in slo-mo as you lean backward. (Relax, the testosterone will kick in and your leading man will instinctively grab you tighter so you don't hit the deck.)

While in repose, take the lead again and part your pucker slightly to invite him to pull you up for some full-on Frenching. Alternate tongue techniques between a gentle flicker and a circular rotation until one of your has to yell "Cut!" to come up for air.

The Sweet Tease

The gang is at a bar on Friday night, and although you're trying like hell to stay fully engaged in a discussion on the virtues of low-carb beer, something else has your total attention: your man's ass in those Levi's. Sure, you could pull him into the ladies' room and ravish him. But we recommend building up to the impending erotic Olympics with a little pregame PDA. "The thrill of the chase is always enticing," says Olson. "The idea is to tease your partner in a way that shows him what's in store for later but also lets the tension mount." So give him some sugar…just enough to totally satisfy your sweet tooth.

To kick off the coy canoodle, start by slowly grazing your lips up the side of his neck, covering every inch of exposed skin with tiny kisses. Moving up to his earlobe, flirtatiously nibble until you've secured his full attention. Now brush your lips over his and whisper in close range that he's never looked sexier. When his eyes widen, lock him into a seductive gaze, and without soliciting "Get a room!" from the crowd, subtly trace his lower lip with your tongue.

After a few mouthwatering moments, initiate lip-o-suction. Gently use both of your lips to suck or tug on his lower lip for a second or two, then back off and work his top lip. Continue alternating between his top and bottom lips as he tries to slip you the tongue; immediately cut the session short with a giggle and whisper in his ear exactly what you're going to do to him later.

The Sizzling Send-Off

Whether your man is heading out on a weeklong trip or just leaving for his job one morning, good-bye has to count. After all, it's this moment that'll fire your desire to see each other again and brew sexy tension before the next reunion. "Show your partner exactly how much you're going to miss him and leave him with something to think about — namely, you," says Kelly. After this smooch, he'll be questioning how long he can live without you!

Here's how to make it memorable: He'll be expecting sap, so surprise him with unexpected sizzle. First, pull his head toward you using a little force. Then lick your finger and part his lips to prime him for a passion pant. Press your lips to his, creating an airtight seal, then open your mouth, maintaining lip contact, and inhale deeply. You'll take his breath away, literally. Right about now is when he'll forget his reason for leaving. Back off a touch, then grab his belt loops and yank his pelvis toward you. When you feel the heat emanating from his package, that's your signal to go in for round two. Ding, ding, ding! Make this one really count. Then release your Romeo, giving him a cheeky pat on his bum. You'll feel his eyes burning a hole through your butt as you turn and walk away. ( )

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