You can't hurry love!

You can't hurry love!. "I love you. Will you marry me?" That was my first proposal, when I was all of nine years old. So was he, a classmate smitten by my prepubescent charms. Needless to say, I ran a hundred miles least.

I can always laugh at that one, and at all the other advances that the opposite sex made through my teenage years, the most famous being: "I want to do friendship with you." Duh, I know!

My teenage years passed into only marginally wiser 20s with too many expectations and some very well deserved heartbreaks. As I think back now to the eager years gone by in search of love, and all those times that I did not find it, I wonder, what is the rush to be in love?


First love

Falling in love is part of growing up. And before long, the heart beats wildly, the cheeks flush to a deep red, the tongue ties itself up, all at the mere glimpse of The One.

Who can forget a first love, sweet and innocent as it is? But while the heart thumps away happily, it also does not know what it wants as life lures it away to other avenues predetermined by destiny. Time passes, the world grows bigger, and the first love does not always keep pace. And yet it remains forever, warming life from a distant past.

The frogs kissed

While your first love can be sacrosanct, it isn't so for others, as I learnt quite painfully. There can be no telling when Cupid's arrow might strike and, there is also no telling how many times it could.

Ambitions change with maturity, as does the outlook to life. People change, and so do relationships and adjustments start to feel like unbearable burdens. The world demands enough compromises already to want to come home to a few more. And every time, it took courage to walk away from what I did not want. After all, love isn't supposed to feel bad.

Know thyself

Coffee is a great eye opener, as I found out one morning. For years I had prided myself in accurately understanding others. But did I really know myself? Do we, at all, understand ourselves? That difficult question raises a million more, each warranting a deep search into the soul. As I searched, I found myself. And I fell in love with myself.

True love

One day, when I wasn't looking, love knocked on the door, asking for sugar for a cup of tea - a new neighbor, a familiar stranger. When time tested it, unleashing its darkest hours, love grew stronger instead of weaker.

Two years later, the question that had made me once run a hundred miles was asked again. Only this time I ran into love's open arms.

It took me years to understand, you can't hurry love. ( )

My be this artikel's that you need...!!!

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