Ways To Stay Well

Ways to stay well. There's plenty of free health care out there that too few of us know about or take advantage of. And many of these zero-cost things not only cut your risk of disease but also keep your body humming along, far away from a doctor's office. It's crazy not to try these tips!

Pare Down Your Bedroom

Minimal doesn't just look chic in your bedroom -- it's healthy, too. Froufy pillows and other extras -- like stacks of books and magazines, stuffed animals and knickknacks -- are "dust mite breeding grounds," says Beth Corn, M.D., an allergy immunologist at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Those microscopic mites are one of the most common causes of indoor allergies, so if you simplify your decor, you may not have to shell out the cash for over-the-counter or prescription allergy meds, says Dr. Corn. Another surprising allergy buster: keeping your windows shut at night. Sensitivity to ragweed, leaf molds and other outdoor fall allergens can leave you stuffed up too.

Fire Up YouTube

Why buy the latest fitness DVD or pony up for a gym membership when you've got the Internet? There are thousands of free workout videos on YouTube -- we like "15-Minute Abs Workout," by sparkpeople.com and the tough "Bikini Body Circuit Workout," by diet.com. For a full list of our favorites, go to glamour.com/magazine. Shameless plug: Our own online Body by Glamour program has free workouts for your MP3 player too.

Drink Tap Water

Sipping H2O protects organs and tissues and helps keep your energy up. Experts say most of us drink enough -- but we're paying out the wazoo for it! Beverage industry data show that the average American bought 29 gallons of bottled water last year -- about four 20-ounce bottles a week. That means we're spending around $300 a year for H2O that often isn't much different than what comes out of your faucet, says Peter Black, Ph.D., a water expert at the State University of New York in Syracuse.

Measure Your Waist

You don't necessarily need a $200 session with a specialist to determine your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Multiple studies show that having too much belly fat is one of the strongest indicators of these and other potential health problems, says Nieca Goldberg, M.D., medical director of New York University's Women's Heart Program. Simply wrap a tape measure around your waist at belly button level; anything 35 inches or more means increased risk. The most efficient way to burn off excess belly fat? Doing 45 to 60 minutes of heart-pumping cardio (fast walking -- also free -- works fine) at least three times a week.

Get Free Exams

Many hospitals and advocacy groups offer free screenings like Pap smears, breast exams and skin cancer checks for those who qualify. To find no-cost skin exams in your area, log on to melanomamonday.org. For other services, call the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at 800-CDC-INFO -- they can tell you about the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program and refer you to your local health department.

Test Your Blood Pressure

While it shouldn't replace the routine blood pressure screening you get at, say, an annual checkup, the next time you're at the pharmacy, go ahead and stick your arm in the cuff of one of their free-standing blood pressure ma-chines. (If you haven't seen one of these kiosks around, go to lifeclinic.com and click on "Our Customers" to see which stores have them.) The simple measure of the force of your blood pumping from your heart through your arteries is surprisingly important, even for young women, says Dr. Goldberg. More women are being diagnosed with high blood pressure today, partly because of frenetic, on-the-go lifestyles that encourage fast-food diets and don't leave much time for exercise. A healthy reading is under 120/80. If you've got anything higher -- borderline hypertension is up to 139/89, and true high blood pressure starts at 140/90 -- you should definitely pony up the $25 copay to see your doctor. Exercising regularly and eating a lower-sodium diet can help bring your numbers down. Those lifestyle changes, in turn, will not only reduce your risk of heart attack but could save you up to $900 a year in medications and doctor follow-ups for hypertension treatment.

Hang With Friends

Studies show that being around people can help your mental and physical health. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh found that people with more social ties were less susceptible to the cold virus than those with fewer connections. And other research has found that women with more social support are less likely to be depressed. Better than paying $125 an hour for therapy, right? [ msn ]

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