Could a man who died in the 1600s unlock YOUR health secrets?

Could a man who died in the 1600s unlock YOUR health secrets?. More people are now looking up their family trees, eager to learn more about their ancestors. But, in a surprising twist, scientists are using family trees to track disease-causing genes.

They are going back in history, sometimes hundreds of years, to track the person who first produced the faulty genes. They're then tracking down other lines of the family tree, to find the modern-day descendants of this person and to warn them of the health dangers they face.

Heart Cartoon

This genetic genealogy, as the science is known, is being developed as a new approach to preventing - and treating - conditions with a strong genetic link such as breast cancer, osteoporosis and depression, as well as rare syndromes that cause fatal insomnia and an inability to feel pain.

Deb Neklason, a cancer researcher at Utah University, is a pioneer of this approach.

Her ten-year study of modern-day people with a specific form of bowel cancer revealed they had a previously unknown genetic link.

Using the cancer victims' family histories and a database of genealogy, she searched back through time to find a common family denominator - and discovered their common ancestry in a migrant family originating in the UK.

Neklason's team used population records to trace the strain of bowel cancer via more than 5,000 people - back 16 generations - to George Fry and his wife Phillipa. The mutation is believed to cause a 75 per cent chance of the carrier developing the cancer by the age of 80.

When George Fry, a Somerset weaver, had stepped on to the Massachusetts shore with his family in 1640, unwittingly, his family also brought a unique gene mutation that today threatens the lives of thousands of their offspring.

Neklason's study found that more than a third of the living descendants who carry the problem gene had potentially cancerous polyps in their bowel. Removing the polyps effectively removes the danger.

One branch of the family is now based in Upstate New York, the other in Utah. Neither knew of the other's inheritance.

George and Phillipa Fry will now be known for ever as prime exemplars of the 'founder effect'. This is where one or two people in a small group bequeath life-threatening disease to millions.

But beyond just tracing and warning families, genetic genealogy is offering hope of new treatments for other people with serious illness.

For example, studies of a rare hereditary bone disease found among Afrikaners promises to help find treatments for osteoporosis.

Sclerosteosis, a lethal disease that causes abnormally dense bones, has been traced from 60 modern-day patients back 12 generations to three Dutch migrants to South Africa.

Professor Peter Beighton, of Cape Town University, discovered the gene responsible, which blocks an antibody that inhibits bone growth.

woman having a breast scan

Breakthrough: Death certificate details helped scientists to identify a gene for breast cancer

Now scientists are working on a compound to mimic the action of the bone-thickening gene. This could be used to treat millions of osteoporosis sufferers.

Dr Lisa Cannon-Albright, a pioneering genetic epidemiologist at Utah University, says that large family-history databases offer a powerful new tool for pinpointing problem genes in populations. Two such databases already exist, for the populations of Iceland and Utah.

By studying death-certificate details on the Utah database, scientists have been able to find patterns that led them to be the first to identify the faulty BRCA1 breast cancer gene - a woman's risk of getting the disease if she has this gene could be as high as 85 per cent.

They have also identified the gene for the skin cancer, melanoma, and the gene that makes some people more likely to die from flu.

The entire genetic genealogy of a country could one day be mapped. 'It could help us to determine people's need for genetic testing, disease- screening, lifestyle changes and individualised drugs,' says Dr Cannon-Albright.

Work such as this is already helping with a lethal condition affecting people in northern Spain. Fatal familial insomnia was first identified in 1986; patients become apathetic and anxious, sleep poorly and feel clumsy. They develop dementia, and die in as little as 12 months.

Ana Belen Rodriguez, a researcher at Basque Country University, used parish records to trace the family trees of affected families, and found two common ancestors dating from 1630. The mountainous Basque terrain kept the community isolated, so the mutation was passed on.

However, despite scope to warn families of fatal diseases, there are ethical concerns. Some critics argue that insurance companies will use the details when considering whether to provide cover.

Pro-life campaigners are also wary of families being aware of such information.

Last year, they condemned specialists at University College London for screening embryos to ensure a child was born free of the BRCA1 breast cancer gene.

The father in the case had seen all of his female relatives contract the disease, but James Dowson, of the Life League group, said: 'It is not the slippery slope towards designer babies - it is designer babies.

'Today it is cancer, next year it will be IQ and the year after that blue eyes and blond hair.'

Meanwhile, Deb Neklason's search for more inheritors of the Frys' founder gene continues.

'Our next step is to work with geneticists, genealogists, and bowel-cancer specialists across the country to identify additional families,' she says. 'I think there are hundreds in America.' ( )

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