Tooth decay

Tooth decay - Tooth decay, also known as cavities, is the most common preventable disease associated with your teeth.

  • Cavities and decay on your teeth can cause you pain and poor oral hygiene.
  • Poor brushing or flossing technique can lead to tooth decay.
  • Sugary foods can also add to tooth decay.
  • Tooth decay is preventable.

What it is

Tooth decay, also known as cavities, is the most common preventable disease associated with your teeth. It is caused by inadequate dental hygiene procedures and/or frequent snacking on sugary foods.

Tooth decay is caused by plaque, a sticky coating that adheres to your teeth throughout the day. Bacteria that live within the plaque on your teeth digest sugars and excrete acids, which wear through tooth enamel, causing holes and cavities.

The symptoms of tooth decay include toothache (which normally does not occur until the cavity is well-established, and there is inflammation of the tooth pulp inside the affected tooth), bad breath, foul taste in the mouth, or spots on the teeth that will not brush away.

Pain caused by tooth decay can be made worse when eating hot or cold food, eating sugary foods, breathing in cold air or brushing your teeth.

Who it affects

Tooth decay can affect any person of any age, provided they have their own teeth. Tooth decay is particularly prevalent in people whose diets are low in fluoride, a substance that is currently included in most drinking supplies in Australia. If you exclusively drink bottled water, you may not be getting the fluoride you need for good dental health.

If you live in a non-fluoride area, the use of fluoride toothpaste is recommended.

Baby's can be affected by tooth decay if you share their eating utensils – the bacteria from your mouth can be transferred to the baby, and start attacking their teeth.

How to prevent it

The recommendation is to brush your teeth at least twice a day after meals, and floss at least once per day to remove any food or plaque from between the teeth as regularly as possible.

Treatment of your teeth with fluoride is an option – you should talk to your doctor or dentist about this. ( )

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1 comment:

  1. Parents should help their children fight off tooth decay by teaching them good oral health habits. Parents should be exemplary in teaching tooth habits. Make sure your child brushes and flosses twice a day, especially in the morning and at night before going to bed. great blog.


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