Why ARE women so unhappy in their own skin?

Why ARE women so unhappy in their own skin? - Early on a Wednesday morning I'm standing stark naked in a bathroom, with just a fine muslin blind between my modesty and the outside world.

Not such an unusual scenario, you may think - except that I'm also sharing the room with a photographer, her assistant, an art director and a make-up artist who is dabbing my decollete with a powder puff.

Elsewhere in this South London house, women in various states of undress are chatting over coffee, perched on stools with a full set of rollers, or flicking through magazines.

Baring all: Sharon Parsons, editor of Top Sante, wants women to celebrate their bodies
Baring all: Sharon Parsons, editor of Top Sante, is encouraging women to celebrate their bodies

In the back garden, meanwhile, a colleague I've seen only fully clothed until now is peeping through the foliage, completely starkers, as she gets ready for her close-up. What, I wonder, would the postman who's just delivered the mail think if he could see beyond the letterbox?

Eight of us are here to be photographed for Top Sante, the health and beauty magazine I've been editing for the past two years - and all of us, from brave readers to members of my team - are getting our kit off for what we're aptly calling The Naked Issue.

This was a particular theme I was keen to pursue and was lucky enough to realise in this, my last edition as editor.

We may well be aware of the airbrushing and the flattering lighting - not to mention the botox, the ridiculous size zero diets, and the high-maintenance regimes these people put themselves through - but this perpetual stream of idealised beauty has undoubtedly distorted a woman's view of what she 'should' look like.

That applies to every age, too, from the pre-pubescent schoolgirl who aspires to look like Cheryl Cole, to the mature woman who still thinks ruefully of Helen Mirren in that bikini.


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Take my friend Jenny, who's 48. She's a lawyer with an IQ that would put Carol Vorderman to shame and has a lovely, curvy figure that at one time would have been called statuesque.

Yet she hasn't had a beach holiday for years because she can't bear the thought of revealing her body, which she thinks is enormous, clad only in a swimsuit. Then there's Linda, aged 35, who tells her story in the magazine: she hasn't let her husband see her naked for three years because she views her body as 'repulsive', even though it is anything but.

I don't think this obsession with what we look like, and our unrealistic comparison with celebrity looks, is entirely new, but I suspect in the past there was either a better sense of proportion, or it was just accepted by the majority that these beautiful people - the film stars of the day, for example - were different, occupying a remote world that 'ordinary people' would only ever access via the cinema or a movie magazine.

The other day, for instance, in a bookshop, I came across an old seaside annual, which dated back to 1949 and featured an end-of-pier beauty pageant.

I couldn't help but be struck by how homely and unpolished all the contestants looked: chunky thighs, crooked teeth - some even peered out from behind thick, round glasses - but all these young women were laughing, arms linked, clearly thrilled to be part of the contest.

'Come on Jean,' you can imagine one of them saying. 'Let's go in for that - it'll be such a giggle!' What a difference to today's painfully self-conscious attitude - it's no coincidence that sales of sarongs and kaftans have never been higher.

In all her glory: Actress Helen Mirren as the January model in the Riddlesden Women's Institute Calendar in the film Calendar Girls
In all her glory: Actress Helen Mirren as the January model in the Riddlesden Women's Institute Calendar in the film Calendar Girls

I'm an average size 12, but age aside (I'm 50), I could never imagine entering a 'pageant' clad only in a swimsuit, let alone strolling down the beach without some sort of cover-up to get me safely to my sunbed.

I even cancelled my gym membership because I couldn't bear the humiliation of the changing room, where toned women strutted their stuff butt-naked while the rest of us struggled to get dressed beneath our towels.

I'd also love the sculpted arms, the endless legs and the flat tummies of the gazelle-like models who fill page after page of our magazines - and that's despite being fully aware of what goes on behind the scenes.

I know that the model with flawless skin on a magazine cover may well have arrived at the shoot with more spots than a teenager (which is often because she is, in fact, a teenager).

I realise that the peachy bottom illustrating a feature on the perfect derriere may really have the same dimples - and pimples! - that an 'ordinary' backside has; and that the lustrous locks of the girl in the shampoo advert was never achieved by the quick wash-and-go regime most of us manage when we're tearing out of the house every morning.

I know that all these 'imperfections' will have been conveniently airbrushed away.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. A few months' ago, I was on a magazine shoot in Florida, casting endless models for our covers and features and, it must be said, these girls did look naturally beautiful from the moment they woke up, even before the make-up artist got to work.

I found myself fascinated, as always, by the miracle that sees someone get the whole package - not just good teeth or great legs, but perfection from the top of their shiny head to the tips of their delicate toes.

'But what you have to remember,' said my art director wisely, 'is that people who look like this are a rare fluke of nature. Compared to the rest of the population, they are unusual creatures . . .' (This is undoubtedly true: let's face it, how often do you see 'perfection' on the bus or in a crowded shopping mall?)

Even more extraordinary, though, is that some of these beautiful women still suffer an appalling lack of confidence. 'Don't look at my feet, they're terrible,' a model once begged me (they looked pretty fabulous to me), while another, so fresh and natural, confided she felt under pressure to have a breast enhancement; 'I won't get swimwear annual, which dated back to 1949 and featured an end-of-pier beauty pageant.

Aside from beautiful models, each month my magazine features women whose personal accounts of courage and determination, often against incredible odds, are inspirational, be it overcoming a serious illness, living with a disability, or fighting back after a life-changing event. I believe these fantastic, positive women put things firmly in perspective and, on balance, make this obsession with our looks seem rather silly and certainly superficial.

And so with all this in mind, at a meeting with the editorial team a few months ago I suggested the possibility of producing The Naked Issue. It was met by a surprising amount of enthusiasm - until, that is, I pointed out that if we were asking our readers to strip off, some of us should do the same.

There was a stunned silence, followed by a fair bit of giggling, and several 'No way on earth!' comments. But then a few hands were raised and the ideas came thick and fast. It soon became obvious that being naked wasn't just a case of stripping off.

One writer, Fiona, declared she felt totally exposed without her make-up while another, Charlotte, volunteered to try naturism simply to see if being among other naked people, of all shapes and sizes, was intimidating or liberating.

Most importantly, we agreed that we wanted to feature women who had a very good reason for showing the world they were proud and happy in their skin. Not least those like Kerri, our lovely art editor who, at just 34, had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was now in remission.

Every photographic shoot requires a lot of careful planning to ensure that all goes well on the day, but in this instance our concern was that we'd actually find ladies willing to strip off for all the world to see.

We needn't have worried: we were inundated with volunteers who wanted to share their stories of overcoming major setbacks, be it serious illness, lack of self-esteem or divorce, and how they found body acceptance along the way. All of them wanted to celebrate their achievements.

Even so, I was still concerned that the lovely lady volunteers we eventually recruited would have a last-minute attack of nerves and decide not to show after all.

My fears, however, were groundless; every woman not only turned up on our 'Calendar Girls Day', but was here for the same reason: to show the world that you can be lovely - without being 'perfect'.

'I know I've got biggish hips and rounded curves,' declared Kelley, 41, who works with people who have physical and learning difficulties, 'but my job has really helped me get things in perspective and be grateful for what I've got.'

This confidence, often hard won, was the thing that impressed me most about all our naked volunteers and, I think, made them so incredibly attractive. Baring all in a national magazine isn't the easiest thing to do, yet as every woman there agreed, it just felt so right - and honest - to do it.

There were a few nerves, of course (from my point of view, it's not every day you strip off in front of the person you normally chat to at the water cooler!), but I have no doubt that the day will be remembered by many of us as one of the best we've ever known, and certainly not intimidating.

The kindness, support and compliments everyone gave to each other were heart warming - and, not least, we all had a really good laugh.

'My husband's really worried about me taking part in this,' confided former Army officer Sarah, 40, as she settled back against a pile of sumptuous cushions, ready for her picture to be taken. 'I think he thought it might be a bit "readers' wives". Hopefully, he'll be pleasantly surprised.' Undoubtedly.

Other partners, like our art editor Kerri's, were fully in favour. 'My boyfriend knew I had to do this,' she said. 'Going through something like breast cancer affects you physically and mentally, and I wanted to show other women that you can come out the other side and still feel sexy and attractive.'

As for me? Well, I got off reasonably lightly, I suppose, because in the end all my 'editor's letter' picture really exposes is that aforementioned powder-dusted decollete.

But the experience has certainly confirmed everything I truly feel is important about being a woman - not least that it's about time we stopped being so unbearably tough on ourselves.

There's so much more to being lovely than wobble-free thighs or a washboard stomach.

Being womanly has an appeal all its own and I truly believe that feeling happy in your skin - whatever your shape or size - brings a confidence, intelligence and allure that is far sexier and attractive than these so-calledideals of perfection.( dailymail.co.uk )

My be this artikel's that you need...!!!

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