They can't concentrate properly because they haven't eaten, sometimes for days, and are tired and stressed.
The case of a West Midlands pupil suffering from infected toes because his feet had been squashed into shoes 'way too small' was cited by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers.
Escalating problem: The survey of 627 teachers found 80 per cent replying that they had children living in poverty
Another had not eaten for 'three days as her mother had no money at all until pay day'.
In an ATL survey of 627 teachers from primary, secondary, sixth form and further education colleges, almost 80 per cent said they had students living in poverty.
Four in ten thought the recession had made matters worse, and 86 per cent said it was affecting the general well-being of pupils.
Eighty per cent said impoverished students arrived at school tired, 73 per cent said the children were hungry and 71 per cent reported they lacked confidence as a result of poor living conditions.
One teacher from Halifax reported pupils laughing when a 'boy with no underpants' was changing for PE.
A sixth-form teacher in Nottingham said she knew of students who 'work long hours to pay for their bus passes and food'.
Anne Pegum, a further education teacher from Hertfordshire, said: 'Students miss classes because they cannot afford the cost of transport to get to college.
'Others miss meals because they can't pay for them.'
Craig Macartney, a secondary school teacher from Suffolk, added: 'A family with two or three teenage children who have one earner who loses hours, or their job, will struggle to reach the minimum income to pay for basics.
'This will get worse as the impact of the cuts affects families.
Change noted: According to the report, many pupils now miss school meals because they can't pay for them
'The number of young people with mental health problems has increased in the last three years.'
The absence of a quiet place at home where children can study and do their homework was also having a negative effect.
Staff believed one-to-one support was important to help pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds stay in education, along with extending free school meals.
The problems are to be raised at ATL's annual conference in Liverpool next week.
Its general secretary Mary Bousted said: 'It is appalling that in 2011 so many children in the UK are severely disadvantaged by their circumstances and fail to achieve their potential.
'The Government should concentrate on tackling the causes of deprivation and barriers to attainment that lock so many young people into a cycle of poverty.'
A Department for Education spokesman said: 'We are overhauling the welfare and schools system precisely to tackle entrenched worklessness, family breakdown, low educational achievement and financial insecurity. We're targeting investment directly at the poorest families.' ( )
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