History Of The Love Parade

History Of The Love Parade - What kind of cynical, pessimistic folk could ever have written off the Love Parade... Ok, ok, we admit it! The Berlin Life team thought that the Love Parade had had its last dance back in 2003, but we've never been so happy to announce that we were totally wrong! The world-famous event promoting music, tolerance and free love is back on the streets of Germany - so dust off your fluorescent pink furry leg warmers and get ready to party...

The Love Parade 2009

The Love Parade 2009, which was set to take place at Bochum, has unfortunately been cancelled. Let's hope things look up for 2010 in Duisburg!

The Love Parade 2008

The Love Parade did indeed make a triumphant return to Berlin in 2006, but it was a short-lived comeback as far as the capital was concerned at least. Berlin city authorities and event organisers couldn't come to an agreement in time and instead the LP signed up for a five year deal to be held in various cities of the industrial Ruhr district in the West of Germany. So no Berlin bacchanalia in 2008, but rather the debauchery moves to Dortmund.

The Love Parade 2008 in Dortmund promises to be no less fun than previous editions of the world's biggest street party, and the date for your diaries is the 19th July if you're thinking of booking flights and making travel and accommodation arrangements. We'll be updating this page with some more info on the DJs and other details as soon as our spies report in...

The Love Parade 2007

Yes, it is happening! But unfortunately not in Berlin... The Love Parade organisers were unable to come to an agreement with the powers that be in Berlin, and so began the search for another city to host the event. After some wheeling and dealing they have proudly announced a five year plan to host the Love Parade in the Ruhr District of Germany. A vast connurbation of 5.3 million inhabitants the Ruhr will divide up the hosting duties, with each of its most prominent cities taking it in turns to put on the event. Essen is the host for 2007, and the date for your diaries is the 28th August - so not long now! Time to wet your whistle and put on your best dancing shoes!

So far for Essen 2007, Booka Shade, Chris Liebing, Loco Dice, Bad Boy Bill, ATM and Westbam have signed up as the main acts with many more sure to follow. You can get more news and info at the official Love Parade website.

Meanwhile you can read more about the history of the Love Parade by going to our 'The Death of Dance...?' article.

And finally, if you are stuck in Berlin this summer then fear not - there's plenty of techno happening in the city. Berghain Club continues to go from strength to strength whilst the legendary Tresor has reared its ugly head once more! Check out more in our Berlin bars and club section!

The Love Parade 2006

With the aptly named title for the year 'The Love is back', the Love Parade once again stormed the streets of the German capital in 2006 to the delight of house, techno and trance fans the world over. Thanks to the sponsors, McFits, the funds were raised that allow the event to pay for itself. Self-funding is a key requirement of the Love Parade's existence ever since the German government won a court ruling against the organisers about who should pay for security and the clean-up (can't say that we blame the government on that one!). With the money raised however, nothing could stop the Love returning in 2006.

Review of 2006

2006 truly was a special year for Berlin as, instead of empty streets this July 15th, the city was witness to the biggest street party on the planet with 1.2 million turning out to listen to music, dance like crazy, and take the odd mind-bending chemical or two.

Who was there? Well - apart from the 1.2 million mentioned - some familiar faces also turned up to ensure this was no damp squib of a comeback. Dance legends like Paul Van Dyke, Westbam, ATB and Tiesto were two-a-penny on the floats. And although naturally most of the floats were representing the Germany masseeve it was a nice surprise to see neighbours Poland chip in with the SubstanzArt:Pl float from Wroclaw, led by Angelo Mike, and it was a treat too to see the Baltic State's own Baltic Groove Union float. Needless to say DJs from the UK and Ibiza didn't miss out on the action either! So was the party a success? Let's hand it over to Berlin's very own mayor, Klaus Wowereit, for the final word. ( berlin-life.com )

"...Berlin is the number one city for music in Germany, a fact that was impressively proven once again. The Loveparade is experiencing a renaissance? Unbelievable!"

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