I want to become a doctor

I want to become a doctor... like the one who saved me as a baby. There is a calm, hushed atmosphere in the neonatal intensive care unit at London's St Mary's hospital, where babies born as early as 14 weeks premature fight for life. Their fragile bodies are so tiny they could fit in the palm of a hand.

Most lie in incubators - cots equipped with apparatus used to maintain temperature, provide nutrition, fluid and oxygen, as babies' lungs do not mature until 34 weeks' gestation, so they need help with breathing.

Talya Raphael

Walking miracle: Talya Raphael was saved from a hole in her heart in infancy

Just decades ago these babies would surely have died. Yet today, medical advances mean many not only survive, but grow up without any ill health.

Doctors, nurses and orderlies are busy tending to their tiny charges - but for one onlooker this ward holds particular significance.

Talya Raphael, 16, was a ten-week-old baby in one of these beds, fighting for survival with a hole in her heart. Now an A-level student who is determined to enter the medical profession, she has returned to do work experience with Dr Parviz Habibi, the very doctor who saved her life.

When Talya and her twin brother Zakary were born at the Royal Free Hospital in North London nine weeks premature, Talya weighed just 2lb 11oz and her brother 1lb more. She was unable to keep down food or fluid.

After six weeks, the twins and their mother, Victoria Raphael, were allowed home, but while Zakary thrived, Talya continued to be sick and then, at ten weeks, stopped feeding and began to sleep all day.

'My husband Harris and I rushed her back to the Royal Free, where she was admitted to the paediatric ward. Over the next four days, she deteriorated. Then we received a panic call from the hospital telling us she had gone into respiratory failure,' says Victoria, 46.

'She had bronchiolitis, common in premature babies, but no one knew why, despite being treated, she wasn't getting any better,' she says.

Bronchiolitis is a respiratory virus that affects one in three babies, causing drowsiness, problems feeding and sometimes breathing difficulties. Five per cent of them will end up in hospital.

Of these, one or two per cent have to go into intensive care, usually those who have added risk factors, such as being born prematurely or having a congenital heart condition.

St Mary's in Paddington was the only hospital in London to have a paediatric intensive care unit, which Dr Habibi had founded two years before, so Talya was transferred there.

'Dr Habibi was so impressive, calm and reassuring as he explained exactly what was happening,' says Victoria.

'But it was a horrifying time. The baby in the opposite bed had exactly the same condition and didn't make it.'

Four days later, Dr Habibi took Talya off the ventilator that was helping her breathe. 'He did some more tests and realised she had been born with a large hole in her heart, which was causing complications.'

About 500 babies a year in Britain are born, like Talya, with a hole in the heart. In the foetal heart, the blood circulates via a hole in the atrial septum (the muscular wall separating the right and left upper chambers).

Talya Raphael and Dr Parviz Habibi

My mentor: Talya Raphael was so inspired by Dr Parviz Habibi, who helped save her life 16 years ago, that she is doing work experience with him

In most cases it closes up shortly after birth, but Talya's did not. This is called an atrial septal defect - or a hole in the heart.

Often it goes undetected and there are no symptoms or need for treatment, but in Talya's case the hole was large, putting a great strain on the other organs, including the lungs, as blood was leaking into them.

Two weeks later Talya was taken to the Royal Brompton Hospital in West London, where two leading consultants disagreed over when she should undergo heart surgery.

'One thought she should have it immediately, the other said we should wait until she was four years old,' says Victoria.

'Dr Habibi pushed for additional tests and decided she needed surgery immediately, so at seven months she had full bypass openheart surgery at the Royal Brompton. A week later, she came home, still sickly but smiley and lively - a totally different baby.'

Talya has led a normal, active life ever since, enjoying swimming, dancing and horse-riding, and she says her life has not been hindered by her early illness.

And all her life she has heard about Dr Habibi and has wanted to follow in his footsteps. 'I thought what he did was so amazing that I have always wanted to become a doctor,' says Talya, who lives with her family in France and hopes to study medicine at London's Imperial College, where Dr Habibi would be her paediatrics teacher.

'I've seen babies in the same intensive care unit - and the same kind of incubator - that I was treated in,' she says of her work experience at St Mary's.

'Although it is hard for me to imagine I was so ill, the mothers have found it helpful to talk to me now and see that I'm healthy.'

'It can be difficult to treat babies with leaks in their hearts, but we have seen major advances in the past 15 years,' says Dr Habibi, citing what is called a ' lungprotection strategy', where a ventilator is used to help a baby take 600 light breaths a minute, compared with 30 a minute for an adult.

'We also use non-invasive treatments for bronchiolitis now such as heliox gas [a mixture of helium and oxygen], which is safe and enables the baby to breathe far more easily.'

Talya hopes one day to be able to offer babies the chance that she had when she was just ten weeks old. 'What Dr Habibi did was so inspiring, I want to help others the way he helped me.'

• To donate to the paediatric intensive care unit at St Mary's, visit www.cosmiccharity.com.

How the chances for premature babies have improved

The prognosis for premature babies who develop serious illnesses has changed drastically over the decades.

  • In the Sixties, 80 per cent of babies born weighing under 3.3lb died. Today, 80 per cent survive.
  • Before 1980, very few babies survived if they were born before 28 weeks.
  • Today, 82,500 babies are born prematurely in the UK each year and the current age of viability (the age at which they have a chance of survival) is 22 weeks.
  • That chance is only around 17 per cent, but by 24 weeks it has risen to 39 per cent. By 26 weeks it is 80 per cent, although, of these, four in five will have some kind of disability, whether mild short-sightedness or a more severe condition.
  • Babies born after 34 weeks now have almost the same chance of survival as a full-term baby.

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